This subject is not only to teach the skills of preparing financial statements, but also includes the understanding of business knowledge and financial studies. It aims to develop students’ generic skills such as communication skills and people skills, others are critical thinking, analysis skills, make judgments with evidence and state conclusions appropriately. Students are also equipped with business, accounting and financial knowledge for their further studies and future career.
1. Encourage students' reading habits through regular reading of business news and business story books.
2. Provide values education in business, accounting ethics and personal finance management.
3. Provide appropriate seminars, workshop and outside school subject activities for initiation of students’career planning.
4. Strengthen students’ learning motivation through external rewards and develop their intrinsic satisfaction on study.
5. Provide online assessment and holiday assignments with self marking to enhance their self-learning ability.
6. Enrich co-operative learning through group formation, interaction and collaborations.
1. To develop a caring attitude to others by understanding their changing needs throughout their lives.
2. To develop personal and communal values in determining priorities for choices.
3. To foster an aesthetic sense and to stimulate ideas of creativity.
4. To establish a positive attitude towards consumer’s rights and responsibilities and protection for consumers.
5. To acquire the knowledge and to develop the skills required for organization and management of resources.
6. To have an appreciation of social, cultural, economic and technological influences on family and community living.
1. To strengthen fundamental skill training for junior form students through learning Home Economics.
2. To cultivate student’s reading habit.
3. To promote value education by developing a caring attitude to different individuals at school, at home, and in the community.
1. 理解電腦系統的組織和系列,其與硬件、軟件及數據之間的相互關係。
2. 認識使用資訊及通訊科技有關的社會、道德及法律方面的問題。
3. 有效、有道德地運用及辨識一系列的應用軟件,以支援資訊處理及解決問題。
4. 顯示個人對各種分析問題的方法的理解,並懂得運用資訊及通訊科技來規畫及實現方案。
5. 體會資訊素養和使用資訊及通訊科技共享知識如何影響人們的決定和改變社會。
6. 成為富責任感和有道德的資訊及通訊科技使用者。
1. 加強初中學生基礎能力培訓
2. 培養學生閱讀習慣
3. 推動價值教育
1. 鞏固學生的音樂知識及技能。
2. 提昇學生對音樂的欣賞及自學能力。
3. 培養和提昇以學生為本的創意思維和興趣。
4. 配合二十一世紀資訊科技的發展,鼓勵學生自我追求音樂新知,並將之應用到生活中。
5. 增加學對中西樂的認識,讓學生更能了解不同文化的融合和音樂發展的整體方向。
6. 提高學生對歌唱的興趣,並增加中文勵志歌曲以培養學生積極的人生觀、建立正確的自我形象及加強自信心。
7. 透過音樂創作、分組表演,及多元化的音樂活動發揮學生協作、互動能力,並增強團隊之精神。
8. 透過閱讀及資料搜集建構不同音樂文化的知識。配合其他學科知識一同學習,融合歷史、語文、地理等課程於一爐,令音樂教育更生活化,從而教導學生關顧社會及國家。
9. 加強教職員專業進修。
10. 各學習領域推動共同協作。
1. 透過每個單元的音樂創作,並與老師一同參與評分以加強學生的基礎分析能力。(各級課業的次數及內容詳列於課程進度表內)
2. 每個學生全年最少要呈交一次音樂會報告。
3. 主要透過課堂上多聽(老師的講解及英文音樂聆聽題)、多講、多寫(小測改正練習) 及課後的作業讓學生能掌握基本的英文音樂詞彙,並提昇其語文能力。其中以1A、2A及3A英文教學班加強推行英語元素。
4. 透過小組音樂創作、分組表演,及多元化的音樂活動建立以學生為本的教學模式。
5. 個別差異的班別會著重推行基礎樂理的建構,反覆的抄寫等等。
6. 學生需主動閱讀課本及參考資料,並進行自我學習,完成專題匯報
7. 學生需呈交閱讀樂樂家生平之閱讀報告
8. 透過多元化的勵志歌曲以培養學生積極的人生觀、建立正確的自我形象及加強自信心。
9. 帶領學生參加青少年之友計劃及康文署之文化推廣計劃,透過音樂家及演奏家的生平,培養學生積極的人生觀、建立正確的自我形象及加強自信心。
1. 擴展生以視覺為主的感官、美感和藝術經驗;
2. 使學生能夠進行表達個人感情和思想的視覺藝術表現;
3. 透過評賞和創作,發展學生視覺認知、共通能力和後設認知;
4. 藉著對不同文化藝術的接觸,拓展學生多元的視野;
5. 陶冶學生情意、修養、品德,以至對國家民族及世界的投入感。
1. 初中加入學習撰寫藝術評賞文章。
2. 鼓勵同學閱讀視覺藝術相關書籍。
3. 高中同學介紹中學畢業後,與藝術相關的出路。